Here at Write 2 Earn AKA Routledge from Triond/Bukisa the purpose is to create a blog everyone can use that will help them build traffic and search engine ranking to their Triond/Blog/Bukisa/Hubpages articles. You simply post the first paragraph (or a custom summary of your article) then a link to read the rest wherever it is posted. Blogger is highly ranked with Google and as we post more as a team and group it will become higher ranked. This will have a two fold purpose! You can read more Here!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It Has Finally Happened: Triond Lost The Plot

The writing has been on the wall for a long time. We knew that the editors were unable to read English, or more probably that they are unable to read period. Bu now they have lost their marbles, too. If it hadn’t cost me valuable time, the whole incident would have amused me no end.

Read more: It Has Finally Happened: Triond Lost The Plot

How to Earn More Money from Your Articles on Relijournal

Are you a Triond writer? And do your patiently crafted and well written articles end up on Triond’s Relijournal site? And have you earned a considerable amount of money from your article? Of course you haven’t; and you should not just give up on that article. Here is your step by step guide on how to earn money from your Relijournal article.
Triond writers know all about. Triond is running a site called Relijournal, and it is earning no money, at least on the writers’ side it doesn’t. On Triond’s side, the sheer amount of articles it has placed there must add up to enough income to justify the site. But that is no consolation for writers whose articles have been dumped there.

Read more: How to Earn More Money from Your Articles on Relijournal

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Make More Money From Your Triond Articles

Triond is currently no exciting place to publish articles; and the return in money for all the work you put into your articles is ridiculous. Which begs the question: What can you do to boost your income for your articles not doing anything for you on Triond?
As Triond is currently failing its writers in returning an adequate income as per article published, writers have to take the earning of money into their own hands. This is nothing new or sensational, but it has to be said every so often as people forget and as new writers join Triond.

Read more: How to Make More Money From Your Triond Articles

Congratulations Triond: You Are The Best

I thought it is time for a positive article from to congratulate Triond on what it is doing right. The problem is, there is not a lot to say about that. Do you know when Triond converted from a moderately well managed site to a total loser?
The month started out so well; a Triond challenge that was within the limited scope of their editors’ intellect. With easy rules to follow, the challenge is there for everybody. And from my previous experience I expected that something at last was going right. But I had set up my hopes way too high. With editors that are unable to either or write, the site is bound to fail. Sad.

Read more: Congratulations Triond: You Are The Best

Dead and Buried on Triond vs. Daily Views on Expertscolumn

Did you notice that some of your articles are just dead and buried on Triond after the first few views by your friends? Is it your fault? What went wrong if it wasn’t your fault? And what can you do about it?
I have noticed that several of my articles attract the first few views on Triond, and then that was it. A few cents return for an article is not my idea of earning money through writing and I had a good look at the articles that went under the ice.

Read more: Dead and Buried on Triond vs. Daily Views on Expertscolumn

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Triond’s Weird Sense of Efficiency

In the same message Triond announced its new challenge to its writers, it also revealed its weird sense of efficiency by publishing the figures on the use of the disastrously ill conceived flag button. Worse, the figures reveal nothing to be proud of (as Triond’s incapable editors seem to think) but a complete lack in what these selfsame editors should be doing right in the first place.

Read more: Triond’s Weird Sense of Efficiency

Why You Should Join in Triond’s September Challenge

Online writers should always be up for a challenge, and a 30 percent bonus is not to be sneezed at, either. You should therefore take up Triond’s September challenge and publish your articles there to earn it. The challenge will do Triond a deal of good, as well as profiting all the site’s writers.
If you haven’t heard of the Triond challenges before, here’s the quick rundown of this September’s bonus scheme: Publish five articles and find five articles to flag (for wrong placement or other reasons) to earn a 10 percent bonus; publish 10 articles and find two articles to flag to earn a 20 percent bonus; or publish 20 articles to earn a 30 percent bonus. Sounds tempting? It is.

Read more: Why You Should Join in Triond’s September Challenge

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Comparison of Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa Online Publishing

Currently, I am using (on and off) five online publishing sites to place my articles. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. But using them all has some definite advantages for you, the writer of online content and articles.
Each of the five online publishers Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa has its own pitfalls and earning possibilities. Some of them are better than others in certain respects. But using them all gives you certain advantages in republishing your articles and using them as relevant outside links again in your future writing.

Read more: Comparison of Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa Online Publishing

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Solved: Triond’s Logic in Placing Articles

I finally cracked the logic behind Triond editors’ logic in placing articles on the different sites. In fact, the solution was so easy; I should have arrived at it two years back, if not earlier.
We all constantly wonder where our articles got to. I am not talking about the multitude of articles that Triond just tends to lose and never find again. I am talking of the odd places articles disappear to on the different sites Triond runs, that is, before they lose them completely in internet limbo with which they are obviously unable to cope.

Read more: Solved: Triond’s Logic in Placing Articles

Back-up Your Articles on Your Computer or Lose Them

When you publish articles on-line, it makes good sense to save them to your computer, too, as Triond is not the only site that manages to lose articles or confines them to the bin. But keeping your articles on your computer and keeping them organised has further advantages for you and your writing.
Triond lost my articles and I was just glad I had everything save on my computer again (with an additional back-up on an external hard-drive). Like this, I was able to republish them instantly on Expertscolumn while I waited for Triond to clear up the mess. Obviously, its now over a month and Triond has done what it does best: Nothing.

Read more: Back-up Your Articles on Your Computer

Triond Has a Major Flag Failure

When Triond announced the installation of a flag button on all its pages, it was already clear that there would be trouble. Here is my story and what went wrong thanks to the flag (and several other reasons).
It has been clear for some time that something was going wrong at Triond. I personally don’t know if any of the editors is able to read; I do know that they are unable to read English. Most of my articles have been published in astonishing places, usually with no connection to the articles’ contents. I have grown used to that.

Read more: Triond Has a Flag Failure

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Triond Runs The Quality Challenge

Some few are happy, many are unhappy about Triond running a quality challenge for the second time. While quality has nothing to do with it as we all know, there is a reason to doing it all the same. You might have guessed that Triond is not spending those extra dollars just to make us happy, didn’t you?

Read more: Why Triond Runs The Quality Challenge

Promote Your Triond Articles Through Your Expertscolumn Account

Expertscolumn is a site that allows you to publish your articles, much like Triond does. It allows you to republish your articles previously published on Triond as well. Unlike slowly dying Bukisa, it allows you in text links to your Triond (or other) articles. And it allows you to edit your articles at any time to include new links in old articles. All this adds up to a powerful tool to promote your articles on Triond.

Read more: Promote Your Triond Articles Through Your Expertscolumn Account

Is Triond Losing The Plot?

Actually, I don’t know if Triond is losing the plot (completely), but I know they are losing articles. Or at least, they somehow lost five of mine. Did they also lose yours?

Read more: Is Triond Losing The Plot?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unresolved: Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Since my initial article, nothing much has changed on Triond. Articles are still published in plagiarised versions. And I found a second interesting group of articles: Double publications by the same author. Begs the question: What is going on here? (Or rather, why is nothing being done?)
Following my article Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work I expected Triond to react a bit more robustly than by issuing a statement that they have closed down the account of the offender. In fact, they were in so much haste to do that they missed out on one article included in my first publication.

Read more: Unresolved: Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Am I the first to notice? Or did it just sort of slip below the radar? Plagiarism of other writers is bad form at the least. While it may happen on one site that another’s work is brazenly copied without the editors noticing it, it should be evident if the publication is on the same site.
I am quite used to finding one or another article of mine having been copied by a writer on another site. I am quite flattered by that, as it proves my writing is better than anything they have on that site, but I surely take steps.

Read more: Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why Every Triond User Should Have an Expertscolumn Account, Too

A Triond friend of mine recently advised me to open an account with Expertscolumn to republish my articles. While I do that sporadically, I found a reason as to why every Triond (and any other writer for all that) user should have an account there, even if they do not intend to publish there.
Expertscolumn is a publishing site based in India. While it offers you the possibility to submit articles, the choice of possible subjects is quite limited as opposed to the freedom we enjoy on Triond. But unlike Triond, they do not insist on original material and allow you to republish articles you have published on other sites. Al they ask is that you use the same user name as on the original publishing site.

Join Expertscolumn via this link.

Read more: Why Every Triond User Should Have an Expertscolumn Account, Too

The Extraordinary Gift of Offending People

Being offensive is an easy thing to do and something most people are quite good at; doing it intelligently, though, is a literary achievement. Auberon Waugh was a master of this craft and excelled at finding the hornet’s nest where none existed before.
William Cook’s Kiss Me Chudleigh: The World According To Auberon Waugh was published by Coronet. While the book is classified as a biography, I hesitate to dump it on that pile without a rider; it is as much a biography as it is a literary guide to Waugh’s writing complete with explanations by Cook.

Read more: The Extraordinary Gift of Offending

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bukisa is Already Feeling The Pinch

A month ago, Bukisa changed its pay per view paying principles to Google Adsense only. The final date for the change –over was January 11th, 2011. That is today, but already Bukisa is constrained to take defensive action as writers desert it looking for better places to publish.

About a month ago, Bukisa announced the end of its pay per view era. If you want to earn with Bukisa, from now on it will only be possible to do it through Google Adsense. In the change-over, they also cheated everybody out of their down-lines. I understand that for some people that was a heavy blow. Not for me, I am too busy writing to go looking for people to join.

Read more: Bukisa is Already Feeling The Pinch

Keywords: Weird Science Helps

Are you looking for good keywords? Have you tried all the keywords from the Everyone’s Top Search Phrases section and none of them worked for you? Then, it’s time to start thinking outside the bracket.

There are many ways how your chosen keywords fail to work for you. While the displayed keywords in the Everyone’s Top Search Phrases section on your Triond dashboard shows which ones worked (past tense) for others, by the time you see them there they have been chewed over more times than a cow could mulch them.

Read more: Keywords: Weird Science Helps

Spending Time and Thought on Article Titles Pays

As writers we spend a lot of time finding ideas to write about, researching the background information we want to publish on, and finally writing the article. But many titles I find on articles seem slapdash and uninspiring (or uninspired). But a title is the marketing instrument of the first order.

Read more: Spending Time and Thought on Article Titles Pays

Use Triond’s Top Search Phrases Features to Learn and Earn

Along with the Traffic Geo Distribution, Triond introduced a new Search Phrases feature on the dashboard. Are you making the most of the information you might glean from it?

About a month ago Triond embarked on a major overhaul of the dashboard. Visit Trends and Top Referring Sites were changed from showing unique views overall to unique views per article. The Traffic Geo Distribution gives you an idea where your articles are of interest and where your readers are hailing from. I for one noticed with some astonishment that only 39 percent of my traffic comes from English speaking countries. Less surprising is 66 percent of traffic coming from European countries.

Read more: Use Triond’s Top Search Phrases Features to Learn and Earn

What Triond Special Promotions Really Do for Us Writers

We only had two such promotions so far, one in August and one in October, where Triond offered up a 10 percent bonus on the monthly earnings of frequent writers. I have done an analysis of my earnings over the last two years and arrived at a startling result.

Read more: What Triond Special Promotions Really Do for Us Writers

Writing for a Niche Market

When writing online, your aim obviously is to attract as many hits as possible. But should you do it by writing about what everybody else writes as well? Or should you rather go for a niche where you are virtually alone?

Read more: Writing for a Niche Market

Use Triond Explore to Add Value to Your Articles

When writing articles, you may add to the value of your article by putting in relevant links. As Triond has an enormous database of valuable writing, an extensive information pool is just a click away. The use of Triond articles to link to has other positive effects as well.

Read more: Use Triond Explore to Add Value to Your Articles

Using Abbreviations Correctly, E.g. V. Vs. Vs. Etc

I noticed that abbreviations are used more and more sloppily by British media, usually being just plain wrong. This is probably just a further fall-out from the excellent education system in Britain where most pupils leave school unable to read and write.

Read more: Using Abbreviations Correctly, E.g. V. Vs. Vs. Etc

Writing for an International Audience: Measurement Converter Tools

Miles and kilometres, metres and yards, Celsius and Fahrenheit, ounces and grams, litres and gallons; don’t we all get lost at times? Your readers might get as easily lost in your article when it contains measurements they don’t understand; and they might never come back. Use some tools to convert your measurements.

Read more: Writing for an International Audience: Measurement Converter Tools