Here at Write 2 Earn AKA Routledge from Triond/Bukisa the purpose is to create a blog everyone can use that will help them build traffic and search engine ranking to their Triond/Blog/Bukisa/Hubpages articles. You simply post the first paragraph (or a custom summary of your article) then a link to read the rest wherever it is posted. Blogger is highly ranked with Google and as we post more as a team and group it will become higher ranked. This will have a two fold purpose! You can read more Here!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Comparison of Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa Online Publishing

Currently, I am using (on and off) five online publishing sites to place my articles. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. But using them all has some definite advantages for you, the writer of online content and articles.
Each of the five online publishers Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa has its own pitfalls and earning possibilities. Some of them are better than others in certain respects. But using them all gives you certain advantages in republishing your articles and using them as relevant outside links again in your future writing.

Read more: Comparison of Triond, Expertscolumn, Xomba, Shvoong, and Bukisa Online Publishing

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